Frequently Asked Questions
Why are people from diverse racial and ethnic groups included in MESA?
In the past, most of the research studies for heart disease included only white men. This led researchers to think that the heart disease symptoms seen in Caucasian males would be the same in other gender and racial or ethnic groups. Research in diverse studies like MESA, however, has shown that heart disease can have different symptoms in women or people from different racial or ethnic groups.
In the US, heart disease is the leading cause of death for African-Americans, Latinos, and Caucasians. Studies like MESA can help find reasons why these groups may be at higher risk. Risk factors may be from social conditions, the environment, neighborhoods, genetics, and lifestyle. MESA looks at all of these factors, and more.
Why is it important that I continue to participate in MESA?
You will be contributing to medical knowledge on how to prevent heart disease, stroke, and other serious diseases of the blood vessels. Medical knowledge can only advance if people like you are willing to participate in medical research.
Is the information I gave you confidential?
Yes, all the information given by participants is held in strict confidence and will be used for statistical research purposes only. The information you provide will never be associated with your name, as provided by law.
What if I have questions?
You may call your MESA clinic between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. If that is not convenient, please leave a voicemail message at that number, and we will call you back as soon as possible to answer your questions in person.
- Columbia University Clinic (NY): 212-305-9932
- Johns Hopkins University Field Center (MD): 410-614-2488
- Northwestern University Clinic (IL): 312-503-3298
- University of Minnesota Clinic (MN): 612-625-8160
- University of California, Los Angeles Clinic (CA): 626-979-4920
- Wake Forest University Clinic (NC): 336-716-6650