If you have questions about MESA, please call your Field Center (numbers below). Field centers are generally open from 8 AM to 5 PM. If that's not convenient for you, please leave a voicemail and we'll call you back as soon as possible.
- Columbia University Clinic (NY): 212-305-9932 - Vijay Nayudupalli
- Johns Hopkins University Field Center (MD): 410-614-2488 - Imene Benayache
- Northwestern University Clinic (IL): 312-503-3298 - Grace Ho
- University of Minnesota Clinic (MN): 612-625-8560 - Jackie Muñoz
- UCLA Clinic (CA): 626-979-4920 - Sameh Tadros
- Wake Forest University Clinic (NC): 336-716-7407 - Katy Melius
Click here for information on each MESA Field Center.
If you have questions about the website, feel free to email the webmaster.